Just a quick note to let you know that TasmotaRemota has been improved and updated with lots of new features and HomeScreen widgets for every switchable Tasmota device.
Sehen Sie es im Playstore. 8th)
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Just a quick note to let you know that TasmotaRemota has been improved and updated with lots of new features and HomeScreen widgets for every switchable Tasmota device.
Sehen Sie es im Playstore. 8th)
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With Tasmota 8.2 it works.
Das ist großartig! Danke, dass du es versucht hast.
Ahh ... yes that's as expected. There are 8 relays ( "POWER1": "ON", "POWER2": "OFF", "POWER3": "OFF", "POWER4": "OFF", "POWER5": "OFF", "POWER6": " OFF "," POWER7 ":" OFF "," POWER8 ":" OFF ") ) but only 4 friend names ( " FriendlyName ": [" StatusAnanzeSMDIP19 "," Sonoff2 "," Sonoff3 "," Sonoff4 "]) so there is a mismatch.
The app expects each relay to have a name.
I connected 8 relays to one of my devices and Tasmota automatically provided 8 matching names.
I think the first action would be to update the Tasmota version to the latest version. I can see that you are on version 7.2.0. ( "Version": "7.2.0 (tasmota)", "BuildDateTime": "2019.12.22 15:10:33 ) This can be the cause of the problem.
Is that a special device? I see that it is listed as Sonoff, but I did not know that Sonoff has produced an 8-relay device.
Nach dem Überprüfen auf der offiziellen Tasmota-Website benötigen Sie mindestens Version 8.1, um 8 Namen für die 8 Relais zu unterstützen. Siehe Bild unten ....
Did you replace "pp" with the port? Alternatively, try it without ": pp". For me it works without a port number
This is correct, if the port is omitted, port 80, the standard HTTP port, is assumed.
Alternatively, you can enter "STATUS 0" in the Tasmota Device Console of the Tamota WebUI - see picture ....
The JSON list is then displayed in the console terminal.
10 lines beginning with "STATUS" to "STATUS 11"
The Tasmota version number is in the lower right corner of the picture. Which version are you using? I've heard that some versions have a slightly different format for the FriendlyName section. This could also be a cause.
Where can I find the JSON response "STATUS 0"
Type in your default web browser the following address: Replace xx.xx.xx.xx: pp with the IP address of the device.
http: //xx.xx.xx.xx : pp / cm? cmnd = STATUS% 200
I cannot format the address correctly with this editor. Ich habe ein Bild der Adresse hinzugefügt.
The browser then displays the JSON response for the device.
So that comes with the 5 relays.
I have now scanned a device with 2 relays and this is found.
The phone is a Samsung S8 +.
The app accepts Tasmota devices with up to 8 relays, but this particular device is causing an unusual problem. If you send the JSON response "STATUS 0" for your Tasmota device to "tasmotaremota@orange.fr" or post here, I can see your problem and fix it.
For me it works with the 192.168.178
Mobile phone: Redmi Note 8 Pro
Vielen Dank für die Bestätigung, dass alles in Ordnung ist.
[attach = '7837', 'none', 'true'] [/ attach]
I got the crash report from Google and believe I found the reason for the crash.
It is connected to a device that you are scanning that has at least 5 relays but not enough friendly names to make it mismatch.
Do you have a device with that many relays? If you could send me the JSON response from a "STATUS 0" query on the device, this will help me find the problem.
Vielen Dank, haben Sie Feedback gesendet? Wenn ja, sollte ich bald den Absturzbericht von Google erhalten und kann untersuchen, was dies verursacht hat.
I can not crash the app ... can you please send a screenshot of the "crash"?
Please only enter the first three indices of the IP address (e.g. 192.168.178), the last index will be added during the scan.
It will add 1 - 255 or whatever start / end you enter.
Eine neue Version von TasmotaRemota ist jetzt verfügbar (v.2.1.9). Es ermöglicht die Eingabe von IP- oder Hostnamen, wenn Geräte manuell zu einer Gruppe hinzugefügt werden. Der automatische Scan ist immer noch nur IP, dies ist aber auch auszuwerten.
Vielleicht ist es die Firmware-Version. Ich hatte ein ähnliches Problem mit Version 9.2.0, das beim Upgrade auf behoben wurde.
I think the difference it's the kind HOW you connect to the network or the data routing, not only the IP range.
It seem your scan only use the WiFi adapter.
VPN (Virtual Private Network) establish a SSL encrypted tunnel between the smartphone (tap / tun adapter) and a VPN server (Your Home Router) over your current Internet connection (LTE or whatever). The whole data flow will be routed by the tunnel. Scans to the WiFi Adapter will fail because there is no Wifi connection to your Home Network. It's just a tap / tun device connection over LTE by example.
Ah, OK. I understand better now. Thank you!
Thanks for the pointer.
Sorry if my understanding of VPN is poor but all you need to do is change the IP address to be scanned?
eg 192.168.1. is the default but can be changed in 10.10.1. if desired. Oder eine andere gültige IP.
I mean that on the Android side. The app only scans the Android device via the WiFi connection. If I log in to my home network via VPN, it is not a WiFi connection and the scan then fails.
We had the same problem with TasmotaSmart at the beginning. I think it would be good if such an app also works when you log into the network with your smartphone via VPN or whatever.
Das ist für mich interessant, aber ich habe kein VPN und verstehe die Auswirkungen des VPN-Netzwerkzugriffs im Vergleich zum Wifi-Zugriff nicht. Gibt es gute Websites, die helfen, dies zu erklären und zu überwinden?
Vielen Dank, dass Sie die App ausprobiert haben. Dies ist seltsam, da ich auch mehrere Zugriffspunkte habe (4) und der Scanner alle meine Geräte im gesamten Netzwerk findet. Haben Sie mehrmals versucht zu scannen, erfordern Geräte manchmal 2 oder 3 Scans, um gefunden zu werden.
Hallo Michael,
There are some good Android apps that can help you control your Tasmota devices in a cleaner and easier way.
e.g. Tasmota Control, TasmotaSmart, TasmoControl, Tasmota Widget, Tasmota Home Switch and of course Tasmota Remota.
All of this simplifies the operation of most Tasmota devices.
Tasmota Remota